Win a Trip to Mexico
Win A Free Trip for 2 to Cancun Courtesy of La Mesa!
Learn more how you can register to win, after all, it could be you!

2020: Win a Trip for 2 to Cancun
You can enter as many times as you want at any of the (6) La Mesa Omaha metro locations. Entrees will be taken until Thursday, February 27th. Qualifiers will be randomly drawn from all entries and contacted by a KQCH-FM (Channel 94.1) staff member by no later than Friday, February 28th. Qualifiers are required to be at La Mesa’s Bellevue location at 1405 Fort Crook Road on Saturday, February 29th by 5:00 p.m.
That’s where the fun begins! Qualifiers will be blindfolded and attempt to pick one of (10) Corona bottles with a lime inside. The final 10 qualifiers will be blindfolded again and attempt to pick the (1) bottle of Corona containing a lime. The person who picks the bottle with the lime wins the Free Trip for 2 to Cancun!
Disclaimer: The Free Trip for 2 to Cancun will be a 4-day, 3-night stay at an all-inclusive resort. The value of the trip is $2,000.

2019 Free Trip to Cancun winner Rich G. with his wife and event emcees Big Party & Jeff from Channel 94.1!
Watch the 2020 Free Trip to Cancun Event Video!
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